This Week in Time Travel
/Another podcast goes live, meaning I offer up another podcast theme for your approval.
This time it's This Week in Time Travel, a Dr. Who-centric podcast hosted by Chip Sudderth and Alyssa Franke on the Incomparable Network.
This one was challenging to the extent that I've never watched an episode of Dr. Who. (Yeah, yeah, I know, –1 geek cred. Hey, I've been busy!) In such situations, I generally ask the client what they imagine for their theme, ask that they send me some examples of soundtracks they really like, and have them listen to my past work to see if anything jumps out at them as close to the mark.
Then I pretty much do whatever I want.
In this case, it's a theme that barely conceals my love for Peter Gabriel and the Remain In Light-era Talking Heads. This one is thick. And I really like it. I hope you do too.
As always, you can download a copy for your personal use from the Music page.
The Logic overview of TWiTT theme.